Online Live tutorials for Criminal Procedure
- This course has eight (8) sessions.
- 2 hours each session
- Sundays 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
- 2nd semester law school 2022-2023
- The tutorial program is an online live lecture class.
- Zoom link are provided in each lessons inside this tutorial program course.
- There will be a question and answer portion at the end of each lecture.
- The tutor will explain the process in the simplest way possible using diagrams and illustrations, including prevalent laws, rules and case law.
- Materials will be provided for each session. You can print the materials for “fair use” purposes only.
- We will have a FB group for announcements and forum purposes.
1. Fees
1.1. Reservation Fee
- Reservation fee shall be deducted to the tutorial fee
- Non-payment of the down payment fee in due time shall forfeit the reservation fee
1.2. Installment Fee
- Non-payment of installment fees in due time will lead to suspension of your tutorial sessions
2. Copy rights
2.1. Live Zoom Tutorial
- No one shall have the permission to record any of the live tutorial session. A student caught recording a live tutorial session shall be terminated automatically and shall face any appropriate legal consequences.
2.2. Notes and materials
- All notes or materials that will be provided in the course of the tutorial program shall be free.
- Reproduction of the materials for fair use is allowed
- Reproduction of the materials for income is strictly prohibited.
3. Termination
3.1. Violation of any of the terms will lead to automatic termination
3.2. A student may voluntarily terminate his admission within 30 days from the start of the tutorial program by written notice via email ( )
1. Attendance
1.1. Attendance
- The tutor will not call the attendance for each tutorial session.
- Use your real name inside zoom meetings and make sure you use your recent profile picture
1.2. Late
- The tutor will not repeat its lecture for those students who came late.
1.3. Absence
- Absences are not refundable
2. Notes and materials
- You are not allowed to distribute any of the materials given, with the exception of the “fair use” principle.
3. Proper decorum
3.1. Be respectful
- Mute your microphone when the tutor is speaking
- Turn on your camera at all times
- Dress appropriately
3.2. Be mindful
- When the tutor ask something, volunteer to answer.
3.3. Be grateful
- When the tutor makes a mistake in the substance of the law, you can call him or her out. When the substance is patently wrong, it will be subject to clarification.